queen of hearts

Posted on March 12th, 2010 by mountain girl  |  6 Comments »

These velvety hearts were crafted in my kitchen this morning, to replenish my dwindling supply. I’ll let you in on a little secret: I have one every single morning, and most afternoons. They are a treat fit for a queen. Each contains about a tablespoon of pure coconut oil along with a good serving of carob. Those are the main nutritional superheroes, but I also throw in a handful of finely shredded coconut, along with a few drops of natural flavorings.

Here’s the nuts and bolts recipe, which I came up with after a few experimentations:

1/2 cup virgin coconut oil

3/4 cup carob powder (you could also use cocoa, but you’d need to add sweetener)

6 T shredded unsweetened coconut

several drops of vanilla, or other flavoring

additional sweetener optional

Melt oil over very low heat. Add all ingredients, stir well. Pour into candy molds and refrigerate.

They can be stored at room temperature, if your room is fairly cool. I keep them in the fridge just to be sure they don’t melt, and often in the freezer, because I like the extra cold crunchiness. I have to warn you, they are not very sweet (which I personally LOVE.) It’s only the natural sweetness of the carob that sweetens them. David thought they were kind of bitter when he tried them, but then, he likes things extra sweet.

If you don’t have candy molds, you can line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and pour the mixture on. When it cools, break it into chunks. It will be kind of like chocolate bark.

I usually make these with a bit of coconut butter subbed in for about 1/4 of the coconut oil, and that really makes for a delectable taste, and seems to sweeten them more, for some reason. But I ran out of that, and didn’t use it this time. I have to say, though, the texture is a bit more delicate with just pure coconut oil. More melt-in-your-mouth, you know?

I normally multiply this recipe several times, since it only makes 9 hearts. The good fats and nutrient-loaded carob make a perfect start to my day (coupled with a raw almond-milk smoothie with green powder and chia seeds). Same thing for an afternoon pick-me-up. I never get those fatigued afternoons anymore that I got all through my teen years and through college and into my 20’s. Actually my whole life, shall we say.

According to my calculations, each of my hearts are about 150 calories, which is almost half of what I seem to need for breakfast or a snack. And don’t be afraid of the fat. Coconut oil is a fat that burns as energy, as are other healthy fats. You really do need them. (It’s overdoing on the low-fat stuff that gets us in trouble!) Coconut oil is a saturated fat, but it’s not unhealthy. It’s actually full of anti-viral compounds and a ton of other goodness that I won’t go into. It offers a great balance to your system.

So I hope you try these. They are very easy and so delicious. If you prefer some sweetness, just add a bit of whatever you like (I’d recommend agave nectar) and be sure to have fun with the flavors. Peppermint is wonderfully cooling and adds a bit of zing, and I’ve also tried almond extract for a really delicate cherry flavor. The above batch is orange-vanilla, and I’m also sold on that.

Don’t forget to wear your crown when you eat them.

6 Responses to “queen of hearts”

  1. Tracy Martin says on :

    YUMMMM! I am going to have to try this….And the heart shapes make them look even more yummier! Where do I get coconut oil, where the cooking oil is? And coconut butter? Oh, boy, you got the saliva juices flowing!

  2. mountain girl says on :

    Hey! Glad you might give the recipe a shot! You can get coconut oil and I think coconut butter (I mail order mine) at Whole Foods. Our Walmart carries coconut oil too. Try to get the virgin kind; it has a better taste than the other. Mmm…hope you enjoy!

    P.S. Play with the taste before you pour it in the molds; you may want to sweeten it!

  3. Aimee Jo says on :

    Wow, these look fantastic! I’ve never used coconut oil before, but have been wanting to experiment with some healthier cooking choices lately. I’m sure I’ll be sweetening it, at first at least. 🙂 I’ve never used agave nectar before either. Such culinary adventures ahead! I’m glad I stumbled upon your blog, I’m enjoying it! Thanks for sharing!

  4. mountain girl says on :

    Aimee Jo,
    Thanks for checking out my blog! I hope you enjoy the recipe…coconut oil is definitely a little-known treasure!

  5. Katie says on :

    So glad you posted a comment on my blog, because I would never have seen these amazing chocolates otherwise. They look professional. bookmarked recipe…

  6. mountain girl says on :

    Hope you like them! Even without extra sweetener, they are all I need to curb a sweet tooth!