a (maybe) final wintry blast

Posted on May 21st, 2015 by mountain girl  |  6 Comments »


WINTERRRRRRRBRRRRR!!!!!  Here are our last couple of days in photos–not so much to mourn them as to record them–since today it’s warming up!  If I even dare say it.




A very old neighbor once told me that the year-round climate of our neighborhood here is identical to that of Anchorage, where he and his wife spent a lot of time.  I tried hard not to believe that, but I might be buckling.






The hummingbirds have been thoroughly confused (this one is shaking so hard he can barely sit still), and so have the goats.  As for us, we’re trying to be happy for the “moisture” that will hopefully keep the forest fires at bay, and at the same time waiting for our preciously short summer–since spring seems to be a lost cause.


The other day I jokingly told David we could move to our old house in Kansas City and be warm right now, and have a garden this summer, and a strawberry patch and a little herb garden and a compost bin, and ohhhh, yeah…..mosquitoes and chiggers and humidity and cicadas screaming in the trees all down our street.

And people, David added.  So nope, we wouldn’t trade it.  (Not that we don’t like people or anything.  It’s just nice to have a choice when you see them.)


But just for old times’ sake, here are a few pics of our backyard in KC.  It was in May just about now, five years ago.


(Notice the houses, windows, and probably EYES looking right over our fence.)


Whoa–who is that man? Such lovely form to that throw.


I’d go back if we could find this little girl again….



But she has gone the way of all two-and-a-half year olds…up.  Wasn’t she cute?  (She still is.)


Anyway, we’re SO ready for spring–and we’ll just keep plodding on till it comes.  Is it warm where you are?

6 Responses to “a (maybe) final wintry blast”

  1. Your Lion says on :

    Time just keeps flying right along. And boy, that throw, complete with pirouette even. I must have been aiming for a woodchuck! /:O)

  2. Mimi says on :

    That little Zia sure was little!! Chunky cheeks! Hey – You could always move to Alaska and it would feel SO familiar!

  3. mountain girl says on :

    Yeah, the cheeks–who is she to call Cash ‘Chub’? And Alaska isn’t sounding so bad!

  4. mountain girl says on :

    Oh, yeah…I should have added woodchucks–giant ones–to the KC list along with mosquitoes and chiggers. 😉

  5. Mom & Dad says on :

    Hi honeeee….LOVE these pix and the memories….lil Zia is just adorable then & now…DL is silly as ever…:). Luv u / mom

  6. Jennifer Miller says on :

    Those poor hummers. I’m sure they are sick of the cold too.