birthday boy

Posted on April 7th, 2012 by mountain girl  |  1 Comment »

Our favorite dadda turns 38 today. Although he’s hard at work all day, we’re doing our best to keep him surrounded with a heavenly birthday aura. So far, our aura is made of…

  • Aroma Invigoration. A big bowl of New Mexico-style red chile…so he can make Frito pies to his heart’s content.

  • Taste Delights. Homemade banana pudding with Nilla wafers (whipped cream is on the way… I forgot to pick up the heavy cream yesterday…oops.)

  • Love from the Peanut Gallery. For the first time, Zia printed her own birthday message. And for the first time, Dadda is surrounded by both of his kids on his birthday. Actually, make that all three of his kids. The third is just a little hidden right now.

I remember the first birthday I celebrated with him. I had known him for almost 2 months, and had no idea who he really was or what he liked. I planned a party for him (so not his style) and agonized over what kind of gifts to give him.

Eight years later, I’ve found he is such a comfortable birthday boy to celebrate for. He loves whatever dessert I concoct for him (when I ask what he wants, he just says he wants me) and he’s really not even into presents.

So for his birthday, he gets me. All of me.

Happy birthday to my favorite birthday guy ever. Your aura surrounds you–and so do we.

One Response to “birthday boy”

  1. Your Lion says on :

    What an awesome and delish day I had! You shower me with love every day so much!
    I love you HUGE!!

    Your Lion /:0)