into november

Posted on November 3rd, 2014 by mountain girl  |  3 Comments »


October was unseasonably warm for 9000 feet high in the Colorado Rockies. We had hardly a dusting of snow all month, which was surprising, especially after our mid September “summer snow”.


People here cry for snow when it’s a little late–the local business owners suffer when the ski slopes are dry and vacationers don’t come, local skiers want their full season’s pass-worth, and literally everyone has the same battle cry: We need moisture!  Because here, moisture comes in the form of snow.


We thoroughly enjoyed our mild October. I guess we’re just not Rocky Mountain old-timers yet. It’ll come, I’m sure. We’ll be talking about the need for moisture in a decade or two.


This morning the kids trekked down the hill leaving two sets of giant rabbit tracks in the snow, Caleb shouldering Zia’s science fair display. He has been laboring over it for three weeks, she singing and dancing on his bed, hopping down every now and then to write a sentence or answer a question. First graders are required to do a full-on science project, while in the same school, middle-and-high schoolers go scot-free. Hm.


But Caleb didn’t miss out this year. He helped Zia choose a topic (“Why Does the Moon Glow?”) they wrote a hypothesis, rigged a flashlight-and-box experiment, made a chart/illustration, took pictures along the way, and recorded the results. David and I thoroughly enjoyed the process, which conspicuously left us out of the equation.

Caleb told me it will take him a year to get over the trauma of doing a science fair project with Zia. I completely understand–that girl is not exactly compliant. For all my agony over letting her go to school instead of home schooling, I have to admit I kind of enjoy playing second fiddle to her teacher. “Oh, but you have to do it. The TEACHER said so.”

And that’s that. She even accidentally calls me Miss T. now and then.  Even better, sometimes she calls her teacher Mamma…and I’ll bet Miss T. loooooves that. 🙂

How is November shaping up in yo’ neck o’ the woods?

3 Responses to “into november”

  1. appleshoe says on :

    Don’t worry. The snow is coming. I’m kind of worried and excited that it might be a big one this year for us. Be well.

  2. Lyssa says on :

    November is going to be crazy busy in my neck of the woods, mostly because I am way too ambitious when it comes to creative projects! It’s so cool to see your new art flourishing :).

  3. Mimi says on :

    I liked reading about the science fair project and I love seeing the pics taken around your place. Cute little Cash Laredo!