
Posted on October 7th, 2012 by mountain girl  |  7 Comments »

Friday morning, not even two weeks after the official start of fall, winter made its first appearance!

Zia took advantage of the snow and rolled and and played to her heart’s content.

It’s a good thing she did…

because after the snow came the sun.

She brought this delicious snow-mud pie into the kitchen and  sat at the counter, patting, stirring, and licking it. “I think I’ll just make a little Zia Experience here,” she informed me.

The pie turned to soup and she went on to bigger and better things. Fall or winter, we’ll take these days as they come. Each cold/cozy day is just as precious as a warm summer one–another day we get to live and make a little Experience of our own here.

7 Responses to “snow!”

  1. jodi says on :

    wow!! I can believe you’ve already had snow! Zia is awesome, I love her enthusiasm in life 🙂

  2. Hannah says on :

    oooohhhh… hmmm…… snow. Glad you all enjoy it. lol An Experience! love it! Zia is a doll!

  3. Mimi says on :

    Early snow!!!! How scientific is THAT! Mimi

  4. mountain girl says on :

    Haha…VERY scientific!

  5. Melissa says on :

    Oh, I do love the first snow of the year. Ours is a ways off. I think it’s so wonderful how Zia embraces everything. She’ll get so much out of everything!

  6. Lisa Coffee says on :

    “A little Zia experience.” Adorable!

  7. Tiffany says on :

    Love it! What a little cutie! 🙂