becoming who you were made to be

Posted on August 19th, 2015 by mountain girl  |  14 Comments »


Sunday I heard a man speak about personality vs. persona.  Your personality, he said, is how you are defined (by yourself and others) based on the way you have been.  Your persona, though, is defined by God–it is the way He sees you, and it’s who you were born to be.  They are two very different things.

This man was saying that we should not continue to live in the rut of how we are defined by ourselves and others, but to change our mindset to see ourselves as God sees us in His kindness and patience, and to begin to make changes in our lives to become that person who we truly are.

Maybe you’re a mother who is trying to balance several things in your life; maybe you know you were made to be a dancer but you’re afraid to try; maybe you have an anger or self-control problem that makes you hate who you are.  You can begin to believe in who you were made to be, who God says you are, and move forward in His strength.  When you believe, He will make impossible things happen for you.

Creating a persona statement is like a statement of faith, writing down who you are as the Father sees you.  It makes it tangible, helps you change your mindset to say “This is me, this is who I really am.  I am moving forward into it.  Maybe it is not fact yet, but it is the truth about me.”  Instead of, “I could never change,” which means, of course, you probably won’t.  You can read your statement of faith each day, bringing it to Him for help in becoming who He already sees you to be.

Here is the persona statement I crafted for myself.  It is made up of a few things I have heard over the course of my life from listening to my heart and to Him.

I am an artist whose light source is the Great Creator.

I am a mother to many forgotten children,

A healer of the broken,

An intercessor,

A strong and wise woman,

One who dwells in the secret place.

I am one who does small things with great love.

14 Responses to “becoming who you were made to be”

  1. Kim says on :

    Oh wow, this post gave me chills, what a wonderful topic to listen to someone speak about. I love the idea, and I love your persona statement. I think my journal time this evening might just be spent doing something similar. Thank you.

  2. mountain girl says on :

    So glad this meant something to you. I’d love to see what you write, if you ever feel like sending it this way. 🙂

  3. Carlin says on :

    What a beautiful post, I couldn’t agree more. I love your list and am so grateful for this reminder. I’m going to make a list as well, thanks.

  4. Mimi says on :

    I like all your words here Mia. Love, Mama

  5. susan says on :

    Your words are beautiful, Mia. Thank you for being such an inspiration to me today. I shall listen to my heart and Him and sit down and write a list myself. xo

  6. Mom & Dad says on :

    Hi honeeee….very inspiring….and you are a very kind and compassionate daughter-in-law who is very much loved 🙂 /mom

  7. mountain girl says on :

    🙂 🙂 🙂

  8. suzy mae says on :

    Such a beautiful post. I love your list 🙂

  9. Karen says on :

    I like exploring new blogs, and I’m so glad I found yours, Mia, through Susan’s. This is an inspiring post. I was writing in my journal this morning and ended with the quote by Mother Teresa. . . then to come here and find it at the end of your beautiful post — it gave me chills. I love the idea of writing about persona, and will give it a try!

  10. Cathy says on :

    As karen said this is an inspiring post. One that asks us to reflect on who we are. Thank you!!

  11. mountain girl says on :

    I’m glad you stopped by, Karen–smiling to hear that my post reflected your own journal! Thanks for visiting my blog–it’s good to hear from another Colorado gal. 🙂

  12. appleshoe says on :

    Hello, just catching up. This is a lovely post. Good words to repeat and follow. Be well.

  13. Roger H says on :

    WOW!!!????????????. What a great inspiration!
    Mia, I’m so very blessed to know you, and your family. You are uniquely amazing, and God’s glory shines brightly through you.

    I love your blog post. It is exactly what I need at this point in my life. A thousand thank yous! Blessings to you Mountain Girl!

  14. mountain girl says on :

    Thanks Roger! Blessings to you, too!