waiting for caleb

Posted on June 30th, 2013 by mountain girl  |  Comments Off on waiting for caleb

Caleb’s return from summer vacation in New Mexico is still a month away, but it is a highly anticipated event.  Preparations include lots of drawing, cutting, gluing, taping, and secret note-writing.

I was asked to deliver this box, full of some kind of found treasures, to Caleb’s room this morning.  How do you like that tape job?

Notice the little boy biting her nightgown.  He’s teething and his amber necklace has worn out, so we’re having a few rough days until the new one arrives. Owwowwow.

Zia wanted to make a stuffed mountain lion for Caleb, and this is what we came up with.  She found a piece of fabric, I penciled in a lion, cut and stitched it, and we stuffed it.  A couple of french knots for the eyes finished it off.  (I’m not sure if this is supposed to be a surprise or not, so Caleb, if you happen to see this, don’t mention it…)

Cash is 11 months today and Zia turns 6 in ten days, with my birthday just two days after hers. With little projects, days in the sun, and birthday celebrations to keep us humming along, summer is lazing by just beautifully.  July will come and go, big brother will be home before we know it, and the hoopla will begin.  Or shall I say, continue.

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