present #564

Posted on June 28th, 2011 by mountain girl  |  Comments Off on present #564

Not really, but it sure feels like it.

I won a giveaway, and the box arrived today.  Inside were a very nice hardcover Writing with Ease textbook and four beautifully thick workbooks, together covering four years of writing instruction for levels (grades) 1-4, along with a CD audio lecture by the author. Although I’ve only glanced through them (they just arrived), the books appear to be fun and interesting, with lots of stories and interactive stuff, and that is really the only kind of text I would use for Zia.

At first I wasn’t going to use school workbooks/texts for Zia, since I was really sold on the idea of unschooling. Lately though, I’ve become intrigued by this. So at this point, I think I’ll just use whatever serves us – meaning it helps with the learning process while being interesting for her.

So that gives me one more thing – actually a few more things – to say thanks for today.

Besides getting my box, I spent a beautiful day in Boulder – with 3 of my favorite people – at 2 hobby shops, Barnes & Noble, Whole Foods for lunch, and just mosying around a new (to me) fabric store all by myself.

Mmm-hmm. Thanks.

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