standing room only

Posted on March 17th, 2010 by mountain girl  |  Comments Off on standing room only

Ok, an update on Kevin Henkes in Kansas City! It was definitely very cool to see the renowned creator of so many awesome kids’ books. Unfortunately, the little Reading Reptile bookshop was completely packed out -that’s right, standing room only- everyone breathing either down your neck or in your face. Because of the mob-ness, we didn’t stay very long. So it was a bit disappointing in that way, but very worth going to anyway. It was free, too, which is always nice. And there’s just something about seeing a flesh-and-blood human being, no matter how successful or famous they are, standing in front of you. It makes you realize, “Hey, they’re just like me. If they can do that, so can I.”

So don’t be surprised when suddenly my own picture books start hitting the shelves…

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